Help launch Bhaktivedanta Academy's new Krishna Sharanam middle years program for 7th - 10th grade students in 3 easy steps…
1 - Donate
Make a donation online to help us complete our phase 1 expansion and bring the Krishna Sharanam middle years program to life. We have contribution levels to match every budget. Click here to donate online.
2 - Share
Tell your friends and family about Bhaktivedanta Academy's Krishna Sharanam fundraiser and encourage them to participate. Use our social media links and email template below to spread the word:
3 - Volunteer
Sign-up to participate in one of our community work days or to volunteer at a time and place that fits your schedule. Click here to sign-up online.
Your contribution will empower us to complete our Phase 1 expansion that will provide the classroom spaces and program development resources necessary to get the Krishna Sharanam middle years program off the ground - allowing us to open our first middle years class this fall.
Here is how the costs breakdown:
Modular Classroom Buildings $168,217
A total of 3,984 sq. ft. of additional classroom space to accommodate our growing elementary and new middle school.
General Construction $58,800
To accommodate our new classrooms we need to make significant infrastructure improvements that include expanded decks, awnings, and septic, electrical, and fire alarm system upgrades.
Class Fixtures & Curriculum $13,500
All the necessary elements of a classroom - tables, chairs, shelves, lockers, rugs, books, and other curriculum resources.
Class Equipment $13,000
Each classroom will be equipped with interactive presentation boards, computers, and each student will be issued an iPad to complete assignments/projects in the class and at home.
Personnel $12,000
Our greatest asset are the people who commit themselves to the education of our children. A portion of salaries for personnel who have been engaged in the Krishna Sharanam program development over the last year.
Permits $11,650
Site plan and construction permitting required by the county for any educational development project.
Engineering $7,800
Civil and structural engineering required to obtain county permission to expand our school.
IB Accreditation $7,000
The initial costs associated with obtaining our International Baccalaureate accreditation, such as training and fees.
Landscaping $6,000
We will create a beautiful outdoor campus environment.
Phase 1 Total: $297,967